Gordon Botting, producer of Stewpot, explains that when he was appointed stewardship director for the Pacific Union Conference; he was overwhelmed with the task of bringing stewardship education to churches in his conference. He decided he should provide them with a monthly bulletin insert, which would bring practical stewardship ideas to the members.
The name of the bulletin is a combination of two ideas, “stew” a derivative of stewardship and “pot” a shorter form of potpourri, depicting a variety of ideas. Stewpot depicts a potpourri of ideas on the topics of stewardship and finances. It was developed to be a monthly bulletin insert on stewardship.
Oct 2020 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
Jan 2020 Stewpot - NA
Sept 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
Aug 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
July 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
June 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
May 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
Apr 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition
Mar 2021 Stewpot, Spanish Edition